After the kickoff words by Ionut our guest speaker Yan Cui, renowned AWS Serverless Hero & Principal Engineer, will share his journey into the serverless space. We will get a brief Engineering state & architecture roadmap update, and some focused Team Talks by our own people to talk about their latest challenges. We will serve you coffee with a connection game including interesting exercise as well.
Bonus: This time we will have 2 Mini-Masterclass sessions on serverless optimizations to offer as well by Yan (2 x 8 people). Colleagues will be invited separately to this sessions.
Are you coming? Sign up here.
C&D Engineer Connect #2
Registration website for C&D Engineer Connect #2C&D Engineer Connect
C&D Engineer Connect #2cc@nn.nl
C&D Engineer Connect #2C&D Engineer Connect #20.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
HP The Hague, 8th floor event spaceHP The Hague, 8th floor event spacePrinses Beatrixlaan 35 2595 AK Den Haag Netherlands